
6 Ways to Combat Stress

Stress is a regular part of life; however, with more hectic schedules and commitments in our lifestyle, it can start to build up more quickly. Stress can cause low mood, fatigue, poor motivation, and lack of sleep, so check out these simple ways to tackle everyday pressures.

1. Get Outside More

Science tells us that getting outside more often helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Your mind and body benefit from being surrounded by nature, but it’s something we don’t do enough. During the day, we’re cooped up in workplaces, and more people than ever are skipping breaks to get work finished. Just taking a few minutes to go outside and breathe in some fresh air can make you feel better. It’s especially important to do this during the working day when stress levels could be higher.

2. Get an Early Night

If you’re glued to the TV watching Netflix marathons and getting to bed in the early hours, this could be affecting your stress levels. When we’re tired and cranky, we’re less likely to function well the next day. Low mood and fatigue are common elements that add to stress levels, so getting an early night is the best option. If you have trouble sleeping, try natural remedies such as purchasing cbd online that promotes quality sleep.

3. Try Calming Techniques

Increased stress levels can cause higher levels of anxiety and distress, so to control these spells, taking time out to calm your mind is essential. There are numerous relaxation and calming techniques to try, including traditional meditation. Plus, you’ll find a host of apps such as Pacifica and Happify that include well-being sessions to get you into a better headspace. You could even consider researching for a ‘Professional Massage near me‘ to find a local spa that provides deep tissue or swedish massage to help combat symptoms of stress and anxiety. Getting regular massages can be a great technique to take care of your body and mind.

4. Chat to Someone

Talking to someone about your stress is one of the best remedies. The saying, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, is prevalent in this situation, and can work wonders for your mood levels. Talk to family and friends, and even if they can’t immediately help, just getting it off your chest will provide some benefit. Don’t be afraid to ask for support as many people will always be happy to lend an ear or offer advice if they feel they can help.

5. Get Active

Being more active in daily life is a natural mood booster. Exercise is a well-known stress buster, plus it can take your mind off things for a while. Getting active in any capacity, whether that’s running a marathon or taking a walk around the park, promotes the release of endorphins, which reduce the levels of cortisol (the stress chemicals). So why not try getting outside more and get that blood pumping when you’re feeling stressed?

6. Avoid Caffeine

If you’re looking to reduce your stress levels, avoiding caffeine is a great way to do it. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it’ll heighten your stress levels and often causes an energy crash a few hours after drinking anything that contains it. Try swapping it for herbal teas or water instead.