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Breathe In, Breathe Out: Improve The Air Quality At Home

Did you know that you could get chronic illnesses from the quality of the air you breathe in your own home? Indeed, just like chemical plants and transportation have caused air pollution and global warming outdoors, there are elements that can gradually create similar pollution effects in the comfort of your own home. Here’s a little hint for you, though: It’s not related to car fumes. In fact, you might not even see pollution indoors. But if you struggle with headaches, breathing issues, and also difficulties to concentrate, you might need to depollute your home to feel better.


How can you avoid air pollutants?

Everything starts with a good clean

You know the saying: A clean house means a clear mind. As cliché as it might sound, there’s no denying that you will feel better in a clean and decluttered house. Your mind will feel a lot clearer as if unclogged for the first time. You might find it easier to stay focus and follow a line of thoughts. But the primary benefit of keeping a clean house is that it keeps dust and other thin particles present in the air at bay. As a rule of the thumb, you should vacuum your home slowly twice a week. Why slowly? Because it’s the best way to absorb most of the particles.

Refresh your air

Opening your windows daily is by far the easiest way to dilute the contaminated air in your home by bringing in outdoor air. Ventilation provides a quick and straightforward air renewal option, except on high-pollen-count days or humid days when you want to keep the windows shut. For best effect, you should look for aluminium windows & doors which conserve better than wood. Ideally, open the windows for at least 15 minutes after cooking or taking a shower to promote a natural ventilation system. Besides, keeping your window open in the bathroom or the kitchen can help to reduce moisture in the air and avoid the formation of mould patches.

Find out the air pollutants in your home

Indoor air pollutants are present in every home. To win the battle against those, you need to find out which pollutants you have, as they respond to different approaches. You can find kits for self-testing, or you can get in touch with a professional air monitoring company to measure the levels of volatile organic compounds and particulate matter present in your home. Don’t be alarmed by negative results: They will give you the key to air improvement.

Choose non-toxic cleaning products

Contrary to the common belief, air pollutants may not come from dirty elements in your home. In fact, they may even come from spotless surfaces, especially if you’re using chemical products. Thankfully, it’s a problem that’s easy to solve. You just need to ditch the chemicals and to pick organic cleaning products instead, or you can even make your own if you enjoy DIY. For instance, 2 cups washing soda & ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide make an effective laundry booster. Or you can mix baking soda, salt, liquid dish soap and lemon to make natural garbage refreshers.

In the end, you need to ask yourself how clean your home is. Air pollutants are invisible particles and gases that can lead to serious health issues if you don’t act.