
New to online gaming? Try these games

So, finally you have decided to take a taste of online gaming. But still confused what games to start with? Well, not to worry! This guide will help you choose the best online games to begin your journey in the online gaming world.

1. Card Game:

Playing online card game offers a unique blend of strategy, skill, and social interaction. Whether it’s a thrilling game of poker or a strategic round of Uno, the digital realm provides a platform for players to compete and connect with others from around the world. With a myriad of games available at your fingertips, from classics to modern adaptations, there’s always something new to explore. As you navigate through virtual tables and engage in intense battles of wits, online card games offer an immersive experience that keeps players coming back for more.

2. Scratch Games:

Scratch games are the easiest games to play. Just as the name suggests, you need to scratch the cards to play the game. On matching 2 or more symbols, you win the amount you bet on the game. Players can find the best scratch games on sites like Bingo Magix, GameVillage etc which gives them a wide variety of games to choose from!

3. Mysteries and Puzzles:

If you are someone who wants to be the next Sherlock, then here’s your chance to be one! Solve puzzles and mysteries to move to higher levels. These games can actually trigger your brain to perform better. You can try out games such as prison break or anything similar.

4. Arcade and adventure:

Arcade and adventure games are for those with a wide heart. These types of games are are sourced with high and attractive graphics. Games like Temple Run and Subway surfer have already take the world by storm and gone. You can explore more games under the Arcade and adventure category in play store.