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Make The Most Of Your Holiday Home

If you’re one of the lucky people who are able to have their own second home for holidays, then you already know the many benefits that they bring. You have a place in the sun, somewhere beautiful, that’s always on hand for whenever you feel like spending some time away from your regular life. However, there are also a few considerations that can be bothersome. For example, what exactly do you do when you’re not there? How do you keep the property in good condition, and safe from others? Here are a few tips.


Renting to Others

If you’re not going to be in the property, then one way you can ensure that it’s not falling into disrepair or being vandalised by outsiders is to rent it out to other holidaymakers. This, of course, has another obvious benefit besides making sure the pipes don’t freeze in the winter: it’ll bring in some cash, which can help you pay for the mortgage your own on the property. Alternatively, if you don’t want to deal with the process of dealing with bookings and other issues, you can instead place the property on a house sitter’s website and have someone take care of it as if it were their own. You won’t make any money this way, but you will get peace of mind that it’s always looked after.

Hiring a Staff

OK, ‘hiring a staff’ might be a bit grandiose for what we have in mind. We’re not thinking kitchen help and butlers. We mean hiring a gardener to keep the outside of the house in good shape and someone to go and clean the place, get rid of dust, feed the plants, and so on. It can work out to be highly affordable if you’re only paying by the hour, and then it’ll look all fresh and nice for when you’re able to get there yourself.

Getting to Know the Neighbours

If you live in a residential area with a strong community feel, look at forming a homeowners’ association (HOA). Every pays a monthly fee, and in return all the issues surrounding your property and its surroundings will be taken care of collectively. You can even outsource the management, so it’s not a massive drain on your time. Discover the benefits of working with your neighbours to create a pleasant place to live – it’ll make you sleep all the easier when you’re not there.

The Big Jobs

Of course, all the best intentions and will in the world can’t stop accidents from taking place at your property when you’re not there. That’s why it’s important that you stay on top of any of the big jobs that might cause you trouble, especially if you won’t be back at the site for a few weeks or months. It’s especially useful to do a thorough check of the property before winter sets in, as it can be hugely damaging to properties that are left unattended. Do the same in spring and you’ll have a holiday home that’s in good shape!