4 Technologies Business Owners Need To Utilise
If you’re a business owner, then chances are you are looking for creative ways to improve your business. While a lot will depend on your company size, the industry you’re in, and how you want to grow, there are certain tools available that can help you elevate your business to the next level. If you’re looking for ways to improve system processes, and to use technology to transform your company, keep reading for my top 4 technologies business owners need to utilise.
1. Drone Technology
Whether you have a real estate company, shoot weddings, or have a professional media company, drone footage can take your business to the next level. You want to consider bringing in the professionals that can handle every aspect of getting the right footage for your needs. If you’d like to learn more about what services are available, you can check out this website to learn more about the drone technology on offer.
2. LaunchPad
I’m all about technology that’s available for free, or that has some kind of free option as it opens up options to people who are maybe just getting started with their business. Launchpad is a product that’s designed to allow business owners and entrepreneurs to develop the personal and professional skills necessary to succeed year-round. You might find Launchpad particularly useful if you have a black owned business.
3. Zoho Apps
The Zoho suite is a range of apps that can meet almost all of your business needs. Zoho One, for example, gives you a suite of more than 40+ productivity and business apps, you can use a combination of apps to really overhaul your business. Zoho CRM allows you to better engage and interact with your clients, helping you manage relationship and maximise returns from them. Check out Yourcrmhero.com for more information and ways that these apps can help your business reach the next level.
4. Google Drive
I love using Google’s products, especially all the apps from within Gmail. I write blog articles in my Google Drive, because not only are the documents automatically saved and kept safe online, but you can access them from any device that’s connected to the Internet. Making it easy to move across computers, phones and other devices. Google Drive is also free within gmail, you can pay a little to upgrade your overall storage space but in my experience a free account is more than sufficient for most people. I love how easy it is for multiple people to access Google Drive, making it a great solution for many employees to utilise.
Being a business owner is an exciting responsibility, but there can be a lot of pressure to ensure your business is performing at its best. Using these technologies will help ensure you maximise your potential and reach levels of your business you’ve not seen before.