
How is the internet helping fight cancer?

The widespread use of the internet has made it easier for activist groups and non-profits to reach out to people and raise awareness regarding cancer. Before the age of the internet, it was a struggle to get messages out to many people. Print media, flyers, adverts, and so on, could only reach so many people, and the cost could be prohibitive. Now, it is extremely inexpensive to reach millions of people every day. This saving allows donations to go a lot further towards finding a cure. Donations are also greater because it is easier for people and other organizations to make donations via a website using many different payment methods. When it is easy to make a difference, more people will try.

Social media: bringing people together all the time

Social media has allowed charitable organizations to build interest and stay connected to a wide variety of people. Facebook pages raise a lot of awareness and drive traffic to charitable websites where donations can be made. Social media has made it easier for organizations to release announcements and coordinate events. The events function on Facebook allows organizations and individuals to create events and send invites quickly and easily at no cost. Attendees and organizers can communicate via the event page. Cancer is devastating and expensive to treat, and social media allows independent volunteers to take action and organize fundraisers for specific people who are suffering.


Websites bring it all together

The website of an organization is extremely important. This is where the vast majority of people will find out the details of your organization. A webpage needs to be complete. If you need volunteers for your organization, then be sure to have a contact form specific for that reason. Volunteers can help your organization function a lot better and help provide emotional support for cancer victims and families. Websites can also be used to accept monetary donations from around the world. Not everyone has the time to volunteer, but they may want to help out in other ways. Jennifer Atiku uses the website of her Gede Foundation to raise awareness and support for the treatment and prevention of HIV and AIDS in Africa. Potential donors can find out about current programs that are in place and how they can volunteer or donate funds. The Gede Foundation has made great strides in breaking down social taboos related to HIV and AIDS and offering treatment to those that previously could not get help.

The internet helps organizations expand

With the use of the internet, it is possible to have many locations of the same organization, so more can be done to help people. More locations can make it easier to build a network of volunteers, and more donations can be gained. This increased funding can help an organization continue to grow and provide improved services. Organizations can also more easily educate the public about cancer prevention and hopefully reduce the rate of people suffering from this devastating disease.