Menopause: Vital Things Every Woman Should Know
The menopause is something that the majority of women go through as they get older. Yet many of us know little information about it. It’s the time in your life when your menstrual cycle stops occurring. This commonly happens as you reach your fifties, but some women have been known to experience menopause sooner. It’s something that many women dread, primarily because of its symptoms. These can involve hot flushes, weight gain, and mood swings but these vary significantly from person to person. The best way to prepare yourself for the menopause is to know as much about it as you possibly can. That way it won’t be the uncomfortable, confusing and scary experience you think it will be. Take a look at these vital things that every woman should know about menopause to boost your knowledge today.
Not all women have hot flushes
Hot flushes are one of the most common and recognizable signs that a woman is going through the menopause. It can bring on sudden feelings of feeling immensely warm, almost like you have a fever. This is a symptom that can occur during the day and at night and has the potential to continue after the transition is complete. However, just because your relatives might have hot flushes and night sweats, doesn’t necessarily mean you will too. Each woman will have different menopausal symptoms that vary in severity. You may find that you experience disturbed sleep, headaches, and digestive concerns instead. The menopause can trigger a whole host of symptoms and it’s hard to predict which ones you will develop. For more information on common menopause symptoms, download this menopause management ebook. It’s important to remember that while these symptoms are often linked to the menopause, they aren’t always. So if you’re concerned, talk to your doctor to help put your mind at rest.
Your periods don’t stop straight away
Many women are under a false misapprehension and believe that their periods will end during the menopause. But in fact, it’s very uncommon for this to happen. One of the most common symptoms caused by the start of the menopause is irregular bleeding. A large portion of menopausal women experience heavier and prolonged periods combined with no bleeding at all. This can also affect their mood and energy levels, making them feel low and weaker than usual. So while you might experience a few months without a period, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is gone for good. This can make it harder to predict when your next period will be, so it’s wise to always be prepared. Carry sanitary towels and tampons in your bag or leave them in your desk at work to help you avoid any embarrassment. If your irregular periods are causing you pain, look at this Youtube video for tips on how to deal with it. If their advice doesn’t help you effectively, manage it, make an appointment with your doctor right away.
You will need to continue using birth control
As well as making your period difficult to predict, the menopausal symptom of irregular bleeding can also cause you to get pregnant. Another myth that a large number of women believe about the menopause is that they no longer have to take birth control or use protection. This is not entirely truthful, and you can still get pregnant during this time. This can naturally come as a huge shock to many women who thought it was impossible to get pregnant once you experience the menopause. With the stopping and starting nature of irregular menstrual cycle, it’s easy to see why so many women think they are safe to do this. But even though you might not have had a period for a while, it’s always better to be safe and use protection. This will not only stop you from getting pregnant but can also protect you from sexually transmitted diseases too. Talk to your doctor about what birth control options you could use. You can also buy condoms at your local drugstore for additional protection if you are concerned.
You should ideally continue using your chosen form of birth control until your menopause transition is complete. For the majority of women, this is usually after a year, but this can vary. Once you have missed twelve consecutive monthly cycles, only then should you consider ceasing it’s usage.
You need to have regular check-ups
Once your menstrual cycle has ceased for over a year, you will be considered post-menopausal. During this time, many women find that a lot of their menopause symptoms disappear. But some women will continue to experience symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats.
Once you have become post-menopausal, you will need to schedule regular appointments with your doctor. This is because post-menopausal women are often at a higher risk of developing certain health concerns. These can include osteoporosis, which is a condition where bones become weakened and are known to break easily. Cardiovascular disease which is caused by the narrowing of your heart’s arteries could lead to heart attacks and stroke. Uterine cancer is another health condition that women who have been through the menopause are at a higher risk of developing. To help you spot the signs of uterine cancer early, visit The Alternative Daily for detailed info. These conditions have the potential to be life threatening is not diagnosed early or treated correctly. So once you’ve started experiencing menopausal symptoms, get into the habit of having regular medical check-ups. This can help you feel more comfortable while also giving your doctor a chance to spot these conditions early.
Hopefully, this guide will have given you more information and insight into what the menopause involves. The more you understand about it, the easier it will be to tackle the symptoms and changes to your body when they occur. Try not to view it in a negative light. But instead, see it as a natural change that marks a new chapter in your life. If you’re experiencing extreme symptoms which you think are being caused by the menopause, always see your doctor.