10 Things To Think About Before Accepting A Job Offer
If you’re desperate for a new job, it may seem silly to even think about turning down an offer. However, it’s always wise to have a think about employment opportunities, and to consider the small print before you say yes. If you’re in the market for a change of career, or you’re looking to climb the ladder, here are ten things to mull over before you accept an offer.
Job description
How many times have you applied for a job without even reading the full job description? The ins and outs of your new role may be completely different to the impression you got from a brief synopsis on a recruitment website. Make sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for. Read the in-depth description. Don’t be afraid to ask your prospective employer some questions about what you can expect from your role on a day to day basis. You’ll find some good questions for your future boss at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2014/06/18/10-job-interview-questions-you-should-ask/#aa952c3191e1.
Your contract
Before you accept any job offer, it’s essential to go through your employment contract. Read up on your rights as an employee and make sure you’re aware of your responsibilities to the company. It’s important to have a grasp of the firm’s stance on sick pay, for example, so that you know what will happen if you fall ill. Once you’ve signed your contract, you are legally obliged to fulfill your duties in line with that written agreement, so don’t skim read. Take your time and read every single point in detail.
Your hours
Before you agree to start working for a company, ensure you know how many hours you will be contracted to work. Make sure you are aware of any additional obligations, for example, extra hours over the holiday period. It’s also essential that you understand the breakdown of your contracted hours. In some cases, you may be required to do a set number of hours per week, but you can work flexible hours. This may mean that you do longer hours one day than another. Alternatively, there may be a set time you must be at work, for example, between 9 am and 5 pm.
When you are offered a job, your rate of pay and annual salary should be made clear. If you have questions about your salary, make sure you ask them before you sign a contract. If your contract stipulates that you do extra hours, for example the odd weekend, ask about payment for antisocial hours.
Employee rights
All employees should be aware of their basic rights. If you want to find out more about employment rights, or you have concerns about your contract, do some research before you sign on the dotted line. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly once you have commenced employment, consult your contract. If you wish to pursue legal action, seek advice from firms like http://www.dcemploymentattorney.com/. If your employer has not fulfilled their side of the agreement, you have a right to take action.
Many employers offer benefits in addition to a basic salary. If you’ve been offered a position, it’s wise to ask about employee benefits. If you are choosing between two offers, the benefits may influence your decision. Examples may include car rental and mileage, parking, and health and dental insurance. Other incentives may include a mobile phone, gym membership and a laptop.
Location is an important consideration for many people. It may be particularly influential if you don’t drive, or you have a family. If you rely on public transport, work out if it will be possible to get to work every day without spending hours on a bus or train and paying out large sums of money. If you have to get up at the crack of dawn, and you won’t be home until late, a dream offer could soon lose its appeal. It’s also a good idea to think about travel. Does your new job require you to be away from home? Are you sure you want to be living in hotels? Are you going to miss out on valuable family time? Weigh up all your options and have a think about how your new job suits your lifestyle and your family commitments. Some people love the excitement of exploring new places while others prefer to stay in one place.
If you’re ambitious, you’re probably thinking about your next step before you’ve even accepted a job offer. Before you take any role, think about how you could progress at that particular company and consider the potential for new openings and opportunities. If it’s a very small firm where the team has been together for years, it’s likely that you’ll have to wait for a shot at promotion. In a larger company with a higher turnover, you may get chances sooner. If you’re just starting out, you may be grateful for any offer. If you’re aiming for the stars, you may be interested in roles that provide a launch pad for bigger and better things.
Your dreams
Before you make the call and join the team, have a think about whether this is the job you really want. It can be tempting to accept an offer that brings job security and good pay. But will you kick yourself in the future for not doing what you actually wanted to do? Are you desperate to work with children, but you’ve been offered a job in insurance, for example? Ask yourself whether you’re going to get the same level of job satisfaction. Consider biding your time until the right position comes along. Alternatively, enroll in a course so that you have the relevant qualifications to try and secure your dream job. In the short-term, you may regret turning down a monthly income. But in the long-term, you’ll probably be much happier.
Looking for a job can be stressful and sometimes, it’s tempting to just accept the first offer you get. If you’re searching for employment, always take your time to digest all the important information related to the role. Make sure you understand how many hours you’re expected to work for how much money. Read your contract and get to grips with your rights. Think about whether the position is really suited to you. Don’t be afraid to be brave and say no if it’s not quite right.