
How to tackle limescale build up

Limescale is one of the life challenges we all face. It effects every object that touches non-filtrated hot water. Initially, limescale begins as a deposit left by evaporated hard water, but it can be hazardous to kitchen utensils, hot water boilers and inside hot water-based heating systems.

The most common limescale problem is commonly found inside every kettle. However, your washing machine and hot water boiler also face the effects of limescale.

There are couple of actions you can take to prevent limescale taking its toll on your appliances and heating. Employing natural, more traditional methods or new technology will make your hard water devices last longer.



Just as everything else, limescale can be tackled with store bought products. There is a range of branded products available to help you remove the limescale. However, try to avoid cleaning limescale off your kettle with any chemical products, since they can leave harmful residue.


Use traditional products to defeat limescale in the areas which are going to come into close contact with your skin or face. Both vinegar and lemon juice are popular options for alternative cleaning products, and they are great solutions for limescale as well.

Although using products for limescale removal is a great idea for your kettle and washing machine, limescale builds up in invisible areas. Other areas are affected by limescale too, such as boilers and hot water pipes. Often, you will not be able to use any products to clean pipes, boilers or water tanks. Although prevention is not a solution if you have an existent limescale build up, it is definitely a good way to go for prevention.



Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions for preventing limescale. Hard water is provided to our homes by water companies and all of it comes with additional minerals. Nonetheless, living in the age of technology has its perks, as there are numerous technological options for limescale prevention.

Some of the more advanced purification systems have the ability to soften hard water by removing calcium from the water, completely eliminating limescale.

You can also use limescale prevention filters, like Combimate, which prevents limescale build up in your water pipes, as well as your hot water boiler and heating systems.

Almost everybody deals with this unwanted calcium deposit in their home. In fact, the Drinking Water Inspectorate claims that approximately 60 percent of Britain is supplied with hard water. This is caused by the natural British landscape. Stone and calcium deposits in underground streams establish numerous problems for water supply, and limescale is one of them. Thus, in-house prevention is one of the best ways to tackle limescale.