
What you Need to Consider Before Launching a New Company Website

It’s the smart move to have an online presence with your business – especially if you want to be a success. A website can be a huge source of income with more and more shoppers now heading online, courtesy of the popularity of smart phones and handheld devices offering more convenience.

The bottom line with this then, is if you’re yet to set up your site, or you have something old and outdated, now is the time to change things up. However, before you just put any old platform up with your company name, there are a number of things to consider before you launch, here’s what they are:


Does your Website reflect your Brand Identity?

Like with anything displaying your company brand, this needs to look the part. A poorly made website which doesn’t look attractive will massively deter clients from trusting that you have a professional business. The design of your site must present your company in the best light, so if you’re not certain you can do this, you need to invest in a web designer, or use some ready-made templates to create it.

Does it Work Effectively?

If you’ve ever used a slow website, or found that using applications on it takes a day and age, the chances are you’ve quickly clicked the back button. When you build your site make sure the platform it is hosted on can manage it – especially if you’re using lots of high quality images or apps. This will make it run much faster and will help avoid your customers leaving your pages.


Is it Safe and Secure?

Cyber security is essential these days, as if your site is hacked or you risk your personal data – and more importantly your clients’ data – in danger. The sensible option is to get your site tested by a specialist site analysis firm like Sogeti, as these companies can assess the security of your site and highlight any potential issues.

Can your Customers Find Everything they Need?

Lastly, you need to look at the general picture and be certain that your customers can easily find what it is they’re looking for – after all this is the fundamental aspect to a premier online shopping experience.

Once you’ve got all of the above in the best position, that’s when you should launch. Until then though, iron out any issues you encounter to make your website something that reflects the professional image you want your business to have.