What To Do When Inclement Summer Weather Hits
Winter isn’t the only season to give drivers inclement weather conditions. Summer months can really send storms raging. One minute the sun is shining and the next minute you’re driving through a hurricane system. Often times your phone, radio, or Android Auto in your car will sound a warning system, when this happens you’ll need to take some precaution to stay out of harm’s way. When summer weather hits, here’s what to do to stay safe if you’re in your vehicle.
Hail Storms
Hail can come on sudden in the middle of a summer rain. In the event that you are driving and it begins to hail, find the nearest bridge or garage and seek shelter for your car until the hail storm subsides. Hail can damage the body of your car and your windows, as well as the windshield and is very dangerous for driving conditions.
Derecho, Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Complex storm systems are often part of summer and can really spoil the fun. If you find yourself in an area with hurricane warnings seek shelter. The same goes for tornadoes and derechos. The derecho is a series of thunderstorm systems with very high winds that can come on in an instant, so it’s best to stay out of your car. If you are driving on a highway, get off the nearest exit and drive to the closest business and take shelter inside.
Flash Flooding
With heavy summer storm systems comes the potential for flash floods. Flash floods happen in an instant with, often times, zero warning. The best thing you can do is seek higher ground. If you hear a flash flood warning alert for your area and you are not in your vehicle, do not attempt to drive until the travel alert is lifted.