
What to Wear on a Holiday in Hawaii

When you go on a holiday to an exotic location it can be difficult to know what clothes to bring with you. In a location like Hawaii there are many different activities you will be taking part in as well as the social aspect of your visit. All of these factors have to be considered so that you pack enough stylish clothing as well as more practical, casual attire. These are some of the best tips for people who will be spending time in Hawaii and are not sure what to wear while they visit these amazing islands.


Look for Online Advice

Preparation is key so it pays to research and find out more about the experiences of others who have visited these islands. Online travel sites and forums are the perfect places to ask other people who have visited the Hawaiian islands recently. On these websites you will be able to find out what’s the most appropriate clothing to wear in certain situations when you visit. If you have the details, you can also contact the hotels directly to find out more, so that you arrive properly prepared and don’t have to buy clothing while you’re there.

Dressing for More Formal Occasions

There may be situations where you need to wear more formal clothing. If for example, you’re going to a wedding or formal event as part of your trip, you need to consider wearing more formal attire but you also have to consider the climate. Dinner cruises and other more formal situations may also require you to wear a more formal outfit before you leave on your vacation to these islands.


Eating Out

When you eat out in Hawaiian restaurants, it’s normally acceptable to wear casual dresses, skirts, blouses or slacks. This is often referred to locally as ‘resort wear’ but there’s nothing stopping you wearing something more formal or fashionable if you think it’s appropriate.

During the Day

Most activities carried out during the day only require casual clothing such as shorts, light dresses, light blouses or t-shirts. For more adventurous visitors you may need to bring additional clothing and accessories such as swimwear, sunglasses and other items.

At the Beach and Resort

You will probably spend a lot of time by the beach or pampering yourself at the best Maui day spa so you have to have plenty of appropriate clothing and fashion accessories for this part of your vacation. The most important clothing items to bring with you should include a number of swimsuits, bath robes, sandals, sunglasses and light dresses. If you’re unsure about the appropriate clothing required at Hawaiian spas and resort’s you can click here to learn more about Hoola Spa facilities and what you need to bring with you.

When you visit Hawaii, you’re going to a place that normally has mild, warm weather. For the most part, casual, comfortable clothing is the most suitable solution. However, it always pays to be prepared so it might be a good idea to bring a more formal outfit with you too.