Clever Home Design Tips To Encourage Creativity
Believe it or not, but the design and decor of your home could be impacting you and your family’s creativity. So, if you have dreams of your kids going on to have fantastic careers in the arts or something like engineering, perhaps now is the right time to create the perfect home environment for them? Let’s take a look at some bright home design tips to encourage you and your family to be more creative.
Inspirational spaces
First of all, take a look around your home and find the perfect spot for harboring creative ideas and thoughts. Perhaps you have a spare room on the top floor that has wonderfully inspiring views? Maybe you have a relaxing nook or cranny that you can use for reading or writing? You don’t need a lot of room to be creative, but you do need a dedicated space – find yours. Struggling for room inside? Then maybe consider getting a shed or outdoor office-style building in your garden.
Storage for supplies
If you and your kids are into art, you won’t need to be told how messy things can get! However, to spend more time painting, drawing and having creative fun, you want to be spending as little time possible tidying up. So, make sure you take care of the boring stuff by investing in some simple storage solutions for your creative rooms. As long as everything has its dedicated home, it won’t take you long to put things away after the end of a session – or find them when you feel like getting arty.
Encourage music
Music is a fantastic creative outlet for kids, and the vast majority are singing songs before they can even speak a full sentence. And the earlier you embrace their love of music, the better – so why not create a musical space for them? You don’t have to entirely soundproof the walls, of course, but some muffling of the noise will be a good idea if you want to avoid annoying the neighbors. Look for a good range of instruments to use, and regardless of your child’s interests, a piano of some description is a good idea because it is the perfect instrument for fooling around or composing. However, as pointed out over at Melbourne Cheap Suburb Removal, it can be tricky getting a real piano upstairs into another room. Unless you want to run the risk of dropping or breaking it, it’s almost always best to seek a professional remover. Alternatively, just go for an electric keyboard and stand instead.
Surround yourself with books
Reading is another way of opening your mind and becoming more creative. So, it makes sense to invest in plenty of bookcases and shelving to hold as many books as possible in your creative room. You can buy these new, pick them up from a local thrift store, or even buy some wood and make them yourself. Then it’s just a case of creating a library-like environment where you and your little ones can relax with a good read and seek inspiration from the written word.
How do you encourage creativity in the home? Share your thoughts in the comments!