Looking After Your Own: Ensuring Employee Accessibility and Safety
Ensuring employees are looked after is vital for keeping a loyal and happy workforce, and keeping on top of workplace accessibility is essential for that. Whether it’s ensuring safe access to the workplace or offering information on physical and mental wellbeing services, keeping on top of your employees’ needs should be the top concern of any employer.
Hazard removal: snow clearing services
Living in an area where heavy snowfall is a given, it’s important to ensure that no employees are adversely affected in their ability to get to work. As part of your employee information, it’s a great idea to recommend a reputable snow clearing firm like those at Certified Landscape Construction, who offer the best snow removal edmonton. As well as residential snow clearing services, they also offer commercial snow removal which you can make use of to ensure that your workplace is safely accessible to employees once they arrive.
Elevators: Ensuring accessibility for those with mobility issues
Although for many people it’s seen as a healthy choice to choose to take the stairs rather than the elevator, for people with different mobility needs, other health conditions, it’s important to have a safe, working elevator in your place of business. Everyone needs to be able to get around with ease and dignity, whether it’s someone who uses a wheelchair or someone who suffers from chronic fatigue, physically accessible modes of transport within the workplace are vital to inclusivity and productivity. Companies such as Savaria.com offer efficiently designed elevators designed for commercial use as well as other high-quality mobility equipment, meaning their designs and installation will have you in safe hands on your journey towards an inclusive workplace.
Wellbeing: Access to health resources
Among other approaches to health and wellbeing, it’s important to encourage employees to look after themselves by providing information and access to services which can help them improve their self-care routines and physical wellbeing. Everyone of any size can benefit from learning how to make healthy lifestyle choices and making sure they are getting the right nutrition; this not only affects and improves their physical health, but has a profound effect on mental health and general wellbeing. Making sure access to services like Live Well to assist with goals like weight loss and improved nutrition is a great step on the way to ensuring your workforce is at optimal health and wellbeing.
Making your workplace as inclusive and accessible as possible as well as ensuring your workers are able to take care of themselves, will result in a close-knit and loyal team in the optimal mindset for maximum productivity.