Slap Your Gums Around These Oral Health Tips
It’s something you use every day, but you rarely think about. Your gums are an essential part of your day to day life, and yet they are one of the most neglected parts of the body. Gums are there to support our baby teeth when they grow, followed by our adult set later on. You probably (hopefully) already brush your teeth twice a day, but I bet when you’re brushing you’re not thinking about the gums – just the pearly whites that you eat and smile with.
Gum health is so important though for your overall wellbeing; you’d be surprised how many health issues out there are connected to your gums and how healthy they are. Dental care is not just about the teeth; and neglecting your gums is a huge mistake as once they’re in a downward spiral it’s hard to get them back to full health. It’s for that reason that we’ve put together some of the best oral health tips for you to get your teeth into:
- See The Dentist. It sounds like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised how many adults refuse to go to a dentist. Dentists are one of the biggest fears out there for people, as the vulnerability of being in the chair can make people nervous. Gum disease is common for a lot of people, but if you don’t get your mouth checked out, you’ll never know how bad it could be. Book your appointment today.
- Drop The Cigarettes. Smokers often have teeth that are yellowed by the nicotine that they inhale. Swapping to vaping and visiting a Vaporescence e-store can really change your oral health. You can choose e-cigs that take the nicotine out of the equation and allow you to cut down on bad habits. Smoking and gum disease are linked, and you can read more about that here.
- Cut Out Soda. The drinks you consume are just as important as the candy you chew on at Halloween. It should be something you have in moderation and only with a straw so that you avoid your teeth being affected. Sugar erodes the enamel on your teeth and can cause gums to recede. You don’t need to be long in the tooth earlier than you have to be!
- Change Your Brush. A lot of people don’t realise that changing their toothbrush often is vital for continued oral health. Make sure you are changing your brush every three months, so that you’re not losing the effectiveness of the bristles and you’re keeping your oral health at the top of your priority list.
- Be A Little Vain. Gums that are suffering often bleed, are red and start to recede, meaning loose teeth that go missing for you. If you are afraid of the dentist, put your looks first. Fear can be overcome, missing teeth before 30 needs dentures. Which is more important to you?
Your oral health is going to impact your heart health and your teeth – it’s important to keep up with them so that you can keep smiling!