Your Hospital Patient Survival Guide
If you have a planned stay in hospital or an emergency one, then you want to make sure that you are only in there for the length of time that you need to be. I don’t know many people that would prefer being cared for in the hospital, rather than at home. But do you know what, there are more and more cases of people catching something else when they are in the hospital, through germs or other superbugs that spread around the place? So if you ever find yourself in hospital, what can you do to make sure that you are in there for only the required amount of time? Here is a mini-survival guide to help you through your stay.
Keep Visitors Off Your Bed
The hospital will more than likely be taking control of the spread of infection. However, visitors won’t be. Clothing and shoes can be some of the things that can carry bacteria and viruses, so if you’ve got people coming in to see you that aren’t just medical staff, then you need to take control. Have them sit on a chair next to you, rather than on your bed. Your bedding gets changed and washed, but not every day most likely. So avoid the spread of bacteria from your visitors and have them keep off your hospital bed.
Choose an Early Appointment
If you’re due for surgery, then according to US researchers, you’re four times less likely to have complications if your surgery is scheduled in the morning. If you have surgery scheduled for later than 4 pm, then you’re more likely to feel nauseous, have anesthesia complications, as well as drops and increases in blood pressure. Fatigue of medical staff and overbookings are said to be the cause. But to avoid any medical malpractice, try to schedule your surgery in the morning where possible. In an emergency, this can’t be avoided necessarily, but if it can, it is worth a try.
Wash Your Hands
We all know the risks of sharing a bathroom and the importance of washing our hands. But what can be surprising is how many of us aren’t aware of the risks that come from our own bacteria. So throughout the day, whether you’ve used the bathroom or not, wash your hands with an antibacterial wash and warm water for at least a minute. Dry your hands thoroughly too. You want to reduce the chance of them entering your system.
Drink Plenty of Water
If your body is well hydrated, then it is able to be running as optimally as it can. Our bodies need to be hydrated in order to heal itself too; the cells need to be hydrated. So decrease your risk of infection by drinking as much water as you can, at least two liters of water a day. Don’t feel like a pest always calling your nurse on the buzzer for more water; it will help your body to heal as well as help you to fight infection.