After losing his father, the scientist sent three strange people, Meg, his brother and his friend in the room to find him.
Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last
After discovering a new way to travel in space and lose his father Meg, he must, his brother and his friend to join three magical beings -. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs.God is in the universe to ride, save him from terrible evil.
Simeg Merri is a typical high school student who is struggling with problemsread what would be the only magkasyain daughters of two prominent physicists in the world; he was smart and very talented, like the younger brother Meg, Charles Wallace, but he did not understandthis is itself. Difficult things – the mysterious disappearance of the master. Merry, who left Meg to be destroyed and his mother was destroyed. introducerdeCharles Wallace Meg and her classmates Calvin three heavenly beings (Mrs. Who, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit) who travels to Earth to help find her father and togetherSilamadjimul their hard adventures. Traveling with the pulsation of time and space, known as tessering, they are exported to a world beyond their imagination, in which they must face the mighty power of evil. Recovery on Earth, Meg must deal with darkness by itself to usethe power needed to defeat the darkness that quickly envelops the universe.