Helpful tips for busy working families
Working family life can get a little hectic these days. Running around after the kids, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, taking the kids to sports, all whilst trying to hold down a job can take it’s toll on any parent. Here are a few tips to help lighten the load and make life a little easier for busy working families.
1.Hire help
It can be hard to ask for help when we are so used to doing everything ourselves. But hiring private household staff can make all the difference to every day life. You can look at getting help with a part-time or full-time nanny, that can help packing the school lunches, taking the kids to and from school, cooking dinner and even babysitting if you want a night off. Perhaps just get someone to come in and do the cleaning even if it’s to give you a few hours back in the week it will help lighten the load.
2. Share the load with other parents
Guaranteed every other working family is feeling the stress just the way you are. Find other parents you can share the load with. Take turns in dropping the kids off to school and picking them up. If they do sports then take turns taking the kids to the games. Perhaps you have an afternoon each of looking after all the kids, which gives you 4 more afternoons free. So speak to your parents at the kid’s school, see how you can help each other out and enjoy help from fellow parents. Plus you’ll make some new friends too.
3. Cook in bulk
If you are going to go to the effort to cook, double the recipe, and freeze it. This helps ensure you have healthy meals ready to go on those nights you have run out of time or just can’t muster the energy the cook. Meals like lasagna, sheppards pie, curries, stews, risottos, stir fry and soups are all meals that freeze well. Then it’s simply a case of defrosting and voila dinner is served.
4. Grocery shop online
Grocery shopping is one of those tasks you just can’t get out of. However these days most grocery stores offer online shopping and home-delivery. If your weekly purchases are pretty regular then you can even set up a regular weekly order that comes automatically. Shopping online will not only save you time but a lot of stress too. No more dealing with stressful parking, long queues and nagging kids.