
Travel to your favourite autumn destination with a game of bingo by your side

Summertime is over and even though the warm summer breeze is substituted with a slightly chilled air, there is no need to be disheartened. As another soothing season has begun to charm everyone with its unique beauty. Actually to be true autumn can be considered as the best season for all the inimitable travel lovers because it’s the last splendid season after the burning dog days and before the bitter winters.

Have you ever wondered how sensational it will be to visit one of the best destinations this season to see the perfect autumn colors? Well, I have already planned out a perfect train journey to Agawa Canyon, Canada. This place is largely known as the most beautiful fall foliage on this planet. Since I want to have a perfect autumn trip I decided on a few important factors to take care of in order to travel smart and this might also be helpful for you if you’re planning on a similar journey like mine:



Since it’s going to be train journey entertainment is a ‘Must Have’ factor . It’s not like I don’t believe that train journey is like an adventure on wheels, obviously I do but isn’t it better to be on the safer side? So, apart from listening to music and watching movies there is this this amazing thing to do, i.e. playing bingo on the go. Playing a game of bingo not only relaxes your mind and kills time but it’s in fact a great way to earn some extra cash. Recently, I got introduced to this very classy site called New Look Bingo where playing is fun and entertaining. Along with the major bingo classics like 90-ball. 75-ball and 80-ball bingo, this site also offers the best collection of slots like Avalon 2, Fluffy Favorites, Sugar Train etc even for the casino lovers to hop in and play. Isn’t it is always great if you can avail the whole package of fun altogether?



If you are foodie , then I am quite sure you can’t manage with the meals they provide and snacks are usually not offered for free. So, it’s better if you can carry some of your favorite snacks along with you. I would prefer something like Pringles, m&m’s peanut, dairy milk, some cashews etc. These will anyway keep me happy and filled throughout the whole journey.

Create your own comfort zone

Since it’s going to be long journey it’s better to have your own comfort zone packed. There might be a sudden drop in temperature so a sweater, a jacket or a wrap is a must. Most importantly, Neck pillows! As these are not only great during a flight but are also nice to have it for a long journey on wheels.

Rest is all set and all we need to do once we reach our awaited destination is, pull on our walking boots and head towards the most stunning autumn haven to witness the glorious colors of ‘the season of fall’. Travel and plan wise and I promise you can have the most breathtaking views this autumn with a perfect game play by your side.