Tips for Keeping Your E-mail Clean
Email accounts often become cluttered when you do not sort your mail for some time. In the past decade, the rise of social networking websites and e-commerce portals has facilitated the trend of flooding inboxes with ads and promotional campaigns. Most people tend to give up erasing the bulk of promotional and social mail that floods their inbox but they forget that free email account sites offer only a fixed amount of space and they will not be able to avail the services in the inbox and sent box fills up. Therefore, it is important to clean e-mail accounts on a regular basis and there are a few easy steps to help complete this task. Clearing out your email will make you more efficient, your life less cluttered and ensure you can focus on what’s really important.
Delete, Delete, Delete!
Some people are hesitant to delete emails from their accounts but it is necessary to take action on a particular email after you have completed reading it. Do not keep it saved away for later or move into a different folder. Remember that not every email requires a response and there is no reason to save a particular email if you are going to delete it anyway a few months later.
Create labels and filters
All the major online email services now come with a filter, rules and label systems that enable users to automatically organize and move incoming email. If you use this system in an effective manner, you can locate important email quickly and efficiently. You can try moving unimportant and important emails to individual folders. Try to filter out common spam words and you can even set priority to or highlight specific addresses.
Disable notifications and unsubscribe
Subscriptions to newsletters and other mailing lists can often clutter your email and form unnecessary distractions. If there is a particular newsletter you are not following, feel free to unsubscribe at any time. The same rule applies for social networking notifications. You can disable all notifications from the Settings page.
Deal with spam proactively
Keep in mind that you must never respond to spam. If a spam does manage to sneak past your rules or protection, ignore the content and simply delete the message.
Send crisp and to-the-point messages
Keep your answers brief when responding to emails and do not spend a great deal of time on individual mails. It is recommended that you do not spend more than five minutes on a particular email. Unless it is an official email, try to limit whatever you write within three distinct paragraphs.