Unroll.Me: Your Ticket To Fewer Junk E-mails
There are few things in this world that are more annoying than spam e-mails. That is because they take up our time and waste that precious time. That is unfortunate because we all only have a certain amount of hours in the day, and wasting time clearing out junk e-mails takes away from something else.
Unroll.me is a new app that comes from a company by the same name. It is helpful because it puts the power back in the hands of the e-mail user. It scans through the e-mail inbox of anyone who has given it permission to do so. After that, the app will go through that e-mail inbox and look for all messages that appear to be from subscription services. After it has zeroed in on those e-mails, it will present them to you for you to make a decision. It calls this decision point a “roll-up”.
There are three options to choose from when you get to the point of the “rollup”. The first choice is to keep the e-mail that the system has identified. Perhaps you really do want to look at that message because it is important to you. If that is the case, then you will just click to keep it. Perhaps you want to make a decision on it later. If that is the case, then you can decide to click “rollup” on it. That will preserve it for later.
The final option you have is simply click the unsubscribe button. That should take you off the list of people that the service can send the e-mail to. That will reduce the overall number of these annoying messages that you have to respond to, and that is the ultimate treat of it all.
This app is free to use, and it connects with most major e-mail services. Therefore, it is important to consider this app as a way to get the e-mail unsubscribe service that you need without having to shell out money to make it happen. There are a lot of other apps that charge money to try to do the same things that Unroll.me. You can avoid all that and go with the free but effective app known as Unroll.me.