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Genre / Tags: RPG, Open World, Third Person, 3D
Company: CD Projekt RED
Language: RUS / ENG / MULTI15
Original size: 56 GB
Repack Size: GB
Filehoster: MultiUpload (host 10+, volatile
Vitcher 3: Helfa Gwillt
The release of the game this year
+ 16 DLC + Ekpand Stone Hearts + Blood extension
Publication date: May 18, 2015 – August 30, 2016
Genre / Tags: RPG, Open World, Third Person, 3D
Programmer: CD Project RED
Posted: CD Projekt RED
Phase: PC
Machine: REDengine3
GraduationSteam User:97% positive user reviews (based on 80,739 reviews)
Interface English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Czech, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese-Brazilian, Russian, Chinese, Turkish
Voice Languages: English, French, German, Polish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazilian, Japanese
Crack: no need, DRM without GOG
Minimum requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 64-bit Windows 8 ()
Processor: Core CPUser i5-2500K / AMDCPU Phenom II Ks4 940
Video card: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
DirectKs: 11
HDD Room: 36 ~ 61 GB – read below why
WARNING! Only GB minimum The number of refunds, see the Recycle Features section.
Vitcher: Vild Hunt is the next world-driving game that is in a visual fantasy world that has significant choices and results. At The Vitcher, you play a carol professional hunting monster, Gerallt of Rivia, the task of discovering child prophecy in a vast open world rich with commercial cities, island piratespirates, dangerous mountain passes, forgotten for inspection and return.
Dressed from an early age Childhood and deceived to gain super skill, strength and reaction, sprinklers is a tremendous imbalance in the monster world that lives in it.
Enemies Poor enemies as professional hunt for monsters with loads of upgraded weapons, alter drinks and magic battles.
Help reduce the wide spectrum of wild animalsexotic crossing mountains to naturally dense predators, hiding themselves in the popular intense shadows.
Invest your prizes to upgrade your weapons and buy ordinary weapons, or spend them with horsepower, card games, battles for purpose and other nights they wear.
Designed for an endless adventure, the open world Vitcher sets the standard of size, depth and complexitythe new one.
Great Open World Transformation: Look at the forgotten ruins, caves and shipwrecks, merchant traders and coffers in the cities and hunt on the paths, mountains and the high seas.
Dealing with unwanted allies of violence, wounds and waves as it provides dark and dangerous services.
Make your ideal choice bad bad and a good confrontation with far-reaching outcomes.
Take the most important contract to follow the prophecychildren, the key to saving or destroying the world.
During the war, follow the prophecy of the child, the weapon of living force, destined for the legendary yellow of legend
The fight against the fierce leader, the ghost of the wilderness and even the danger from above, all hell control the world.
Define your destiny in an improper world.
REDengine 3 is rendering around the world. Vitcher is visual video visual, a very real fantasy in life.
SystemDynamic weather and day / day groups affect how urbanites and wildlife behave.
Rich in the choice of a story in the main and sub-geot fields, the player affects this huge open world that is different from before.
DLCIsi Ekpansions
Beard for hair and hair (found in hairstylist)
Place the Temerian Armor (White Orchard, trader near Voesong Bridge Bridge)
An alternative search for Iennefer
New search agreement: CollGlovir (Found in Skelligeon the bulletin board)
Elite Crossbov Set
Ballad of Hero’s Neutral Protector Card
Nilfgaardian Armor Set (Quartermaster and Crovs Perch Master Master second hand)
Golden Nev Kuest Fool (Found by English bands at Lurtch in Wales)
Alternative search Triss
Set Skelige Arms (Sold by Smith to Kaol Trolde)
Hunting for hunters: the jackal wolves of the school
New search agreement: Skellige’s Most Vanted
A new search where cats and wolves (starting from Oreton, Velen)
Searchan alternative to Feature
New Demonstration Animation
New + games
Heart Heart Extension
Package of wine for wine in your blood
Repack feature
Base without scene: GB
Added additional bag: GB
All translations translate / leave the text as a whole
NOD is corrupted, NOT encoded
The Voiceovers language packs are included as an optional download – you can combine them into game options with any text translation
MD% 100% Perfect Perfect: all files are the same as the originalafter installation
Prepare for official GOGGregs, recycle registration records (open Fik Registrar; after installing games if apps are not listed in your case)
Significantly significant archive size (compressed 56 GB cumulativeGB, depending on language pack)
Installation takes time: 30 minutes on CPU + 8-core SSD; ~ 50 minutes on CPU + SSD 4 cores; ~ 1 hour 10 minutes on core CPU + HDD 4; up to 2 hours on CPU + HDD 2 cores. Avoid the load on the HDD you want during installation! Turn off torrent clientor similar kind of software.
HDD encoding: 36 ~ 61 GB (depending on the optional language pack)
Repack using Razer12911 pZlib tool
Requires at least 2 GB of free memory (including virtual) to install other packages
Restore FitGirl
What’s new compared to the previous one?
The size of the 700 MB repackage is reduced
Installation time has dropped about 30-50%, depending on CPU door
Brazilian and Japanese voice ballots added
Optional download
You can skip downloading voice filesor you do not need it.
In the list of optional files (required is to download at least one voice packet):
For example, if you want to start a game using UI / Translations / Russian Voiceovers – skip all the selected files,
but download all the main files.
Complexity returns
This replacement back to my previous Vitcher 3 repack became better compressed
In the previous file, only the following files can be used:
Problems during installation?
Read the troubleshooting solutionthis tough